Jennifer Shinkai

Inspirational and energising Japanese/ English facilitator focused on inclusion and ikigai

Jennifer Shinkai, MA (OXON), ACC is an experienced English and Japanese public speaker, facilitator and coach.

With an interactive facilitation and coaching approach, she focuses on integrating ikigai (life purpose) into daily work, inclusion in a diverse workplace, resilient leadership development in times of change. As a Points of You® Expert, participants can experience “unexpected but precise” moments of insight and action.

From delivering keynote speeches on ikigai and inclusion best practices in Japan, facilitating brown bag lunch workshops, to inviting and moderating a panel of experts, Jennifer can support your IWD event in Tokyo.


Interactive and original mini-workshops:
- Perfect for brown bag lunch networking events for women’s networks or ERGs.
- How will your team harness diverse and unique opinions to create an innovative business solution?
- Using the Points of You Coaching Game tools, participants can understand the ways that diverse experience from both surface and deep level diversity can lead to a variety of interpretations around an idea.

Workshop themes include:
- Building your personal brand
- Discover your Ikigai
- Leading from your strengths
- Becoming an inclusive leader
- Standing in her shoes - a workshop for managers of women
- Your Life's Wishlist

Keynote Speaker

Through working with clients on Diversity and Inclusion programmes and leading monthly Lean In Circles since 2013 in Tokyo, Jennifer speaks passionately and persuasively on the following topics:
- The pros and cons of women only support networks – how to use them, what to expect from them
- Unconscious bias – why it is not a get out clause and why training might not have the impact you expect
- Navigating childcare leave  – best practices as employer and employee
- Why I stopped looking for a “mentor in shining armour” – how to look inwards and trust your own strength
- The elusive hunt for role models – When they don’t exist how can we create our own = use of vision board, values and strengths driven – inner mentor work
- Financial Freedom – why “Leaning In” is an economic imperative

Lively and Informative Panel Discussions

Looking to bring together inspiring role models from outside your network and find out industry best practice?

After spending over 10 years in the recruitment industry and regularly networking in Tokyo, Jennifer can help your organisation to connect to a wide range of experts and guest speakers. When your team claims “there are no female role models”, you can leverage her network to expand your reach.

Let Jennifer help you source and then moderate an inspiring panel.  Engage your employees with best practices in women’s empowerment, diversity and inclusion and work-style reform in Japan.

Webinars and Online workshops

Can’t get your team in the same place? No problem! Jennifer loves to run remote workshops and webinars via Zoom. Harnessing online collaboration tools is one way we can be more inclusive for all our team wherever they are.

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