Jo Howarth

Speaks on happiness, mindfulness, mental wellbeing in an inspiring, fun and interactive way

Jo runs a company called The Happiness Club, her job is to teach people how to be happy and she loves it. She is married to Trev and has two beautiful daughters.

Like you, Happiness Expert Jo Howarth has suffered times when life has thrown her a curve ball (or two, or three…). At those times, she wondered, can you choose to be happy? Is it as simple as choosing which outfit to wear? Or as simple as which route to take to work?

With over 20 years of studying mindfulness and hypnotherapy, Jo believes it is a simple choice – that everyone can choose happiness every day. She appreciates that dealing with juggling family life, busy careers and unexpected life events can threaten to steal our joy from time to time. Jo’s mission is to teach people the tools and techniques that will show them the path to their own happiness, whatever their definition may be, so that each and every day they can choose happiness, just like she does.

Jo gets people thinking when she is talking to them, stirs up their emotions and encourages reactions. Known as inspiring, insightful and bubbly, groups always warm to her and come away from sessions feeling uplifted. Jo’s fusion of real life experiences mixed with her wealth of knowledge of tools, thoughts and techniques to apply to your own life, means that she connects to audiences in an intimate and personal way. Attendees say they feel calmer, more relaxed, inspired, motivated and happy after attending workshops with Jo!

She works with organisations that are committed to changing the way their employees feel and therefore work. She works alongside many corporate companies and public sector organisations as well as holding private workshops. She also works within schools to teach students techniques to develop their own resilience to stress and believes this should be as important as learning your ABCs.

Prior to her life as a Happiness Expert, Jo was an Event Manager for 12+ years and in that time dealt with a fair amount of stress! It was after undertaking hypnotherapy and mindfulness teachings that she learnt to change the way she thought about life and handled stress. This was the turning point for her and she realised then, she needed to show other people how to do this too.

The Happiness Club ( is a monthly membership club where members receive a daily tool, tip or technique directly from Jo to help them with their personal development, to see the good things in life and leave the negative stuff behind.

Jo is an inspirational speaker, in 2017 she won 2 national awards for her work in The Happiness Club, was a finalist in the 2019 Enterprise Vision Awards and is now the only female finalist in the Entrepreneur category at the 2020 North West Business Awards.

She published two books in September 2016 – Glad to be Dan – a Mindfulness book aimed at Children and how they can manage their emotions (released on the 10/9/16) and Get Happy – a book for adults with a page a day of a Happiness thought, technique or tool (released on the 23/09/16). Both books appeared in the Amazon Bestseller list. Her third book “It’s OK! (We’re not sh*tting you, it really is)” was published on Amazon in late 2018 followed by her 4th book "My Perfect Glads" in December 2019.

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