Arti Shah

Motivational Speaker, Diversity & Inclusion Advocate & Actress inspiring others about making positive changes

Believe in yourself and love who you are.  Delivers a message about being different, about accepting who you are, about inclusion and about believing in yourself. It celebrates being unique and using it as a positivity to achieve the most out of your life.  Arti's message for 2024, not just for International Women's Day, but all year round focuses on inspiring inclusion and what we can do to better our lives, workplace, schools, universities and society as a whole.

Arti talks about acceptance and the importance of inclusion.  Not just for our generation but for future generations. #inspireinclusion

Arti, a British Asian woman, was born with a condition called ‘pseudoachondroplasia’ and is 4ft in height, she has fought her whole life to be accepted and included in society.

She has first- hand experience of  overcoming stereotypes and what obstacles need to be removed to allow inclusion.  Arti delivers her colourful life story with energy, positivity and honesty.

Arti Shah is a Motivational Speaker, Diversity & Inclusion Advocate, Actress and Corporate Model, notably she has worked on the recent ‘Star Wars Trilogy’, ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ and ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows’ films.

On top of all these achievements Arti is also a proud mother to a young son, and wife of the actor, writer and director Rutvig Vaid.

A successful business graduate, Arti’s career began in Media Sales and Recruitment, she set up her own business in London before following her lifelong dream to pursue a career in acting which has since taken her around the world.

Her experience of acting with some of the greatest names in Hollywood, the joys and frustrations of motherhood, and day to day life experiences at home and work have given her a wealth of stories to share; both humorous and thought provoking.

Her early life had seemed ‘normal’ until she hit her teens and then reality gave her a darker perspective, at this time she was close to having radical surgery to become taller so she could fit into what she believed society expected.  

Arti came to realise she was doing this to fit in for others’ benefit, and not for herself.  This was a turning point for her, she then knew that if she did not love who she was, then how could she expect others to accept who she was?

As Arti grew up and became more comfortable with herself, she acknowledged that being unique and standing out from everyone else can be a positive attribute.

She now shares her personal experiences and life challenges through motivational and professional speaking with the aim of inspiring others in their own life, work and personal struggles.

So what is a normal life? What is it to be unique?  Use your differences in a positive way and believe in yourself.

Arti would like to inspire others and help change perceptions within organisations.

Arti is a firm believer in the  mantra , “Hard Work, Sheer Determination and Self Belief” with this always in mind, she believes that anything you put your mind to, can be possible.

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