Cate Campbell

Champion swimmer speaking candidly about success, failure, gender equality, resilience & more

Cate Campbell is one of Australia’s most accomplished swimmers - a world record holder, Olympic gold medallist, Commonwealth gold medallist among many other successes and achievements.

But it is Cate’s attributes outside of sport that separate her from the rest. Women’s Health awarded her with the ‘Comeback of the Year Award’ 2018, calling her “Australia’s most resilient swimmer” after bouncing back from failure at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.

Cate has spoken out about body image challenges, overcome a skin cancer scare, taken on keyboard warriors and pushes for gender equality.

Cate really is one of Australia’s most inspiring athletes and role models.

"It was an absolute pleasure having Cate join us. It was a privilege to hear her speak of her journey to the top. Her will-power and unwavering determination in the face of adversity, coupled with her humble nature, make her a true champion in my eyes. Thank you for a great afternoon."
- Liz - Executive Manager, Hyland

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