Melissa Romero

Founder and Chair of Lean In Netherlands

Colombian by birth, Dutch by coincidence, citizen of the world.

At the age of 17, Melissa's family was forced out of Colombia due to the violence, which taught her the meaning of taking responsibility of her own destiny:

After graduating as Industrial Engineer at the age of 20, she set on an adventure that took her to living in 7 countries, learning 5 languages fluently, leading a 250 million dollar business in a Fortune 500 company and founding Lean In | Netherlands.

Melissa is living her purpose of giving others a voice by leading the team of 35+ volunteers at Lean In NL, that together have for mission "Shaping a new definition of leadership, where everyone can thrive by being 100% themselves".

They do so via their programs and corporate advisory in Diversity and Inclusion.

Some of the programs Melissa offers with Lean In Netherlands are Lean In Circles workshops ( or the acclaimed "50 ways to fight bias" (developed in partnership with Stanford University).

She is also is a facilitator of Google's  #IamRemarkable workshop and has spoken at Universities, where she engaged the audience around #TakingResponsibility, based on her personal and professional experiences.  

Melissa is a passionate self-made woman and an engaging speaker.

You can contact her via

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