Ksavi Joshi

Helping women unleash their inner and outer beauty, confidence and worth to live a happy and fulfilled life

KSAVI is an established international makeup artist, coach, educator and speaker on women’s health & wellness, inner & outer beauty, bereavement & loss and motherhood.

Before becoming a makeup artist, KSAVI had an 18 year career in corporate marketing working for a well communications company.

During that time she trained senior leaders into public speaking, interaction with audiences and engagement through video and social content.

During the latter part of her time there, KSAVI dealt with some traumatic experiences including miscarriage, depression, and also the loss of her second son.

Makeup was a hobby which KSAVI took up as a form of therapy and escapism from what was going on. With it occupying her mind, KSAVI still felt she needed to do lots of inner healing work in dealing with the trauma.

After being recommended anti-depressants and sleeping tablets, which KSAVI point blank refused from her doctors, KSAVI took the route of healing through meditation, coaching, journaling, and becoming responsible for tackling her own fears and trauma, and throughout all of this, openly talk about her journey.

Not only did KSAVI heal, she also helped to transform her family’s life and went on to having a third child. KSAVI found that from loss you can still experience and find happiness in a new adjusted normal way of life.

In this time, KSAVI’s career in makeup also transformed from just a hobby to an income earning position and she soon found herself helping celebrities and socialites with their makeup, working backstage at fashion week across the world, and writing about beauty in key mainstream publications.

As a result, KSAVI realised so much about her own experiences but also that of others, particularly around the lack of advice and community support around dealing with and allowing you inner beauty & outer beauty to blossom, tackling self-esteem and confidence issues including self-love and worth, healing from trauma, loss and bereavement, neo-natal care and premature childbirth, and how creative therapies can support others.

KSAVI uses all these skills and experiences today to regularly speak on BBC radio, speaker events, as a podcast guest, ladies panel member and also on social media through her videos and collaborations. She is also affiliated with several children’s and bereavement charities, supporting in their causes.

And to really be able to serve others who are going through similiar experiences like herself, KSAVI has added to her breadth of experience, by becoming a coach, training with the well-known monk turned life coach, Jay Shetty, who is still her spiritual and life teacher today.

KSAVI is living a life fulfilled and able to pursue all of these activities with the incredible support of her husband. They co-parent their children together, but today her husband is also a full-time carer to their 82 year old mother who has Alzheimer’s, and stay at home Dad, taking care of their children and everyday life whilst KSAVI is working.

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