Dr Finn Mackay

Expert on UK feminist activism against male violence and speaker on intersectionality, published on LGBTQI+ identities

Dr Finn Mackay has been involved in feminist direct action for over twenty years.

In 2004 she founded the London Feminist Network and revived the London Reclaim the Night march against all forms of male violence against women and children.

Working for a London Local Education Authority she developed and managed award-winning projects on domestic abuse prevention education and anti-bullying for all young people's settings.

Finn is experienced in policy and training delivery for a variety of audiences, including police, social work, teaching.

After gaining her PhD from the Centre for Gender and Violence Research at the University of Bristol, Finn now teaches at the University of the West of England, Bristol, UK. Author of 'Radical Feminism: Activism in Movement' published by Palgrave; second book forthcoming with Bloomsbury academic on the UK "gender wars".

An experienced speaker and media commentator, including TEDx Covent Garden London; BBC Radio 4 Today, Moral Maze; BBC World Service The Conversation; BBC 2 The Big Questions.

Featured panellist at How the Light Gets In.

Published in academic journals and The Guardian, Huffington Post, Open Democracy.

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