Giulia Marzetti

Sustainability and innovation expert advocating for a more equitable world

A female in engineering and an engineer in government, Ms Marzetti has worked and spoken internationally in Europe, Australia, US, UK, India and Bangladesh.  

Her expertise in Sustainable Infrastructures and Climate Change has brought her to be a delegate at the 12th Conference of Youth as part of COP22 in Marrakesh, a Talent of the UN Innovation Lab for Sustainable Development Goals and a Delegate at the Yunus Social Design Lab in Bangladesh.

She is regularly a youth speaker and delegate at high level conferences and events as the UN Conference of Parties, UNECE,  Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation "Goalkeepers" and G.STIC Conference in Brussels.

Giulia has been a fellow at the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Climate-KIC Pioneers into Practice Programme, where she developed innovative carbon capture membranes. She is now a Local Representative for the Climate-KIC Alumni Association in London and a Local Leader for the Women@EIT initiative, where she aims to raise awareness of women in scientific professions.

After and experience in the European Commission’s Directorate General for Energy Ms Marzetti is now overseeing Horizon 2020 projects at the forefront of transport and innovation technologies. Ms Marzetti also delivered trainings on climate change awareness and fusion energy, a very innovative topic which is constantly raising questions.

Her expertise are in energy transition, electric and green vehicles, clean transport, energy storage and batteries, and youth activism for climate change.

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