Sarah Ratekin

Chief Happiness Officer making the world better by being positive, grateful and kind

The business case for happiness as a core company value.

Disengagement costs the American GDP approximately a half-trillion dollars a year. Voluntary turnover is costing American companies alone a trillion dollars on top of that. People are burning out, checking out, and it's killing our companies (sometimes literally).

Stress and burnout are eating a hole in your bottom line - let's do something about it!

We'll look at the data-backed factors that impact job satisfaction and yes, happiness on the job, with actionable ways to build them into your way of working to build a healthier, happier employee experience.

Gratitude Power Hour

When's the last time somebody said "thank you!' to you? When's the last time you said it to somebody else?

How else can you experience gratitude?

The Gratitude Encounter isn't a webinar or a lecture, it's an interactive experience that will challenge you to think about gratitude a little different than you are used to.

With challenges, thought-provoking discussion, and opportunities for personal reflection, you'll have a chance to dive deeply into this powerful practice of gratitude.

Previous participants describe the experience as "heart-healing", " powerful connecting" and "WOW! Unexpectedly joy-filled!" After all, Gratitude is Better Together.

Sarah Ratekin has taken the career path less traveled, and that breadth and depth of experience fuels her unwavering drive for excellence (both her own and others), authentic empathy, and an insatiable curiosity that allows her to see the world through an innovative and creative lens.

Founder and Chief Happiness Officer at Happiness Is Courage Inc. where she channels her passion for creating incredible employee experiences to help clients solve difficult engagement challenges, Sarah leverages her skills in translating the science of happiness and well-being into actionable plans that provide clients with radically positive results.

An enthusiastic positivity activist, she believes we can change the world for the better by being positive, grateful, and kind, and she’s often quoted as saying “Happiness is a gauge, not a goal”.

A Navy veteran, she holds a Masters Degree in Management and Leadership and an MBA and is a Doctoral candidate researching the intersection of gratitude and organizational performance.

She has been featured on dozens of podcasts speaking on the power of happiness in the workplace and in life, presented at conferences across North America, facilitated numerous workshops on workplace excellence, and worked with groups from 2 to 6000+ in her mission to make Workplace Happiness a Core Corporate Value.

She is also the author of "Silver Threads", a positivity and gratitude journal, and a frequently-featured contributor for the award-winning BizCatalyst360.

Sarah has a veritable army of garden gnomes keeping watch over her extensive container gardens and is the proud mother of four amazing humans who are making their positive own marks on the world.  

She and her spouse Kris, both certified Laughter Yoga leaders, also travel extensively bringing the joy and power of laughter and positivity with organizations of all sizes and industries.

In their downtime, they enjoy exploring the outdoors (usually by kayak), dancing and general merry adventuring. Sarah and her family currently reside in Indiana.

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