International Women's Day 2024 campaign theme is 'Inspire Inclusion'

The campaign theme for International Women's Day 2024 was Inspire Inclusion.

When we inspire others to understand and value women's inclusion, we forge a better world.

And when women themselves are inspired to be included, there's a sense of belonging, relevance, and empowerment.

Collectively, let's forge a more inclusive world for women.

Read more about a definition of what it means to inspire inclusion here.

IWD belongs to all who care about women's equality

With well over a century of history and change, the first International Women's Day (IWD) was held in March 1911. IWD isn't country, group or organization specific. It's a day of collective global activism and celebration that belongs to all those committed to forging women's equality. 

World-renowned feminist, journalist and activist, Gloria Steinem, reportedly once explained:
"The story of women's struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist nor to any one organization but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights."

So together, let's all help fight the good fight. All IWD activity is valid, that's what makes IWD so inclusive. Join in and make IWD your day by doing what you can to support and advance women.

Committing to inspire inclusion

IWD2024 theme

When women aren't present, we must ask: "If not, why not?"

When women are discriminated against, we must call out poor practice.

When the treatment of women is not equitable, we must take action.

And we must do this each time, every time.

Everyone everywhere can inspire inclusion

IWD 2024 theme activity

Organizations, groups, and individuals worldwide can all play a part - in the community, at work, at home, and beyond.

To truly include women means to openly embrace their diversity of race, age, ability, faith, body image, and how they identify. Worldwide, women must be included in all fields of endeavour.

How will you continue to inspire inclusion?

IWD 2024 events

On an individual basis, it's important to understand, value and seek out the inclusion of women and girls. Additionally, sharing this knowledge, support and encouragement with others is key.

On an organizational or group basis, there are many ways to ensure the needs, interests and aspirations of women and girls are valued and included. Organizations and groups continue to #InspireInclusion throughout the year in areas such as:

  • forging women's economic empowerment
  • recruiting, retaining and developing diverse talent
  • supporting women and girls into leadership, decision-making, business and STEM
  • designing and building infrastructure meeting the needs of women and girls
  • helping women and girls make informed decisions about their health
  • involving women and girls in sustainable agriculture and food security
  • providing women and girls with access to quality education and training
  • elevating women and girl's participation and achievement in sport
  • promoting creative and artistic talent of women and girls
  • addressing further areas supporting the advancement of women and girls

Strike the #InspireInclusion pose

IWD2024 theme InspireInclusion

Are you in? Will you inspire inclusion?

Strike the #InspireInclusion pose to show solidarity. When we truly value difference, inclusion comes from the heart.

Inspire others to help forge an inclusive world by sharing your #InspireInclusion image across social media throughout the year using #IWD2024 #InspireInclusion.

Submit an #InspireInclusion image and statement here.

Build on IWD's century-plus history

IWD 2024 theme

Remember, all IWD activity is valid.

Collectively, anyone can participate through whatever activity is most relevant and impactful for their own context.

Everyone everywhere can build on IWD's century-plus history to help forge positive change for women and girls.

That's why IWD is inclusive, not exclusive.

Step forward in solidarity

IWD 2024 campaign theme

Collectively, let's continue to #InspireInclusion for women and girls everywhere.

Elevate your commitment to inspiring inclusion

IWD 2024t theme activity

Send in your #InspireInclusion images to potentially be featured in the IWD Gallery.

Share your #InspireInclusion resources

Interested in providing relevant professional resources that support the #InspireInclusion campaign?

Submissions are invited throughout the year from suitable partners worldwide for white papers, articles, reports, tools, resources, projects, campaigns, activities, artistic creations, videos and more that support the #InspireInclusion campaign as useful references, to be co-published on the International Women's Day website. Help others #InspireInclusion through your resources.

Further details and specifications are available upon request.


Looking to reflect on the previous IWD 2023 #EmbraceEquity campaign theme? Click here.


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