Celebrating International Women's Day Best Practice

 July 17, 2018

IWD Best Practice Winners

In 2018, groups around the world celebrated the #PressforProgress International Women's Day campaign theme in highly successful and effective ways, and supported a strong call-to-action to help forge women's equality.

Worldwide, over 100 groups entered the IWD #PressforProgress Best Practice Competition to showcase their achievements in helping forge gender parity. Their impressive case studies explained how they celebrated the International Women's Day 2018 #PressforProgress campaign theme and how they actively encouraged audiences and communities to help accelerate equality. Entries were submitted by groups across the below categories, which provide the focus for the Best Practice case studies. Overall, around 30 groups worldwide demonstrated best practice activity across the 14 categories. Congratulations to them all.

The winning entries are celebrated via a series of Best Practice articles that commend success and highlight each group's commitment to equality, while providing practical and informative details to inspire further groups.

International Women's Day 2018 Best Practice Winners

IWD Best Practice Winners

Read the case studies below about groups worldwide who delivered outstanding #PressforProgress activity supporting the International Women's Day 2018 campaign theme.

Public Sector: Forging Leadership and Progress

Associations/Networks: Member Participation

Grassroots Impact: Driving Meaningful Change

Charity Sector: Amplifying Awareness Raising 

Education and Academia: Knowledge and Impact 

Private Sector (Impact and innovation)

Marketing/Design Agencies: IWD Campaign Activity

  • Siegel+Gale (United States & worldwide)
  • GTB (United States & worldwide)

Community Services: Supporting Local Change 

Best IWD Event Pack use

Sporting Sector: Social Leadership

Best IWD #PressforProgress Videos

Best IWD #PressforProgress photograph

Best IWD #PressforProgress media activity

  • CNN (The Philippines)

Best IWD Cake - Embedding Celebration

IWD Best Practice Winners

Best pratcice

Best Practice - International Women's Day

IWD Best Practice example


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