Achieving diversity without inclusion is an empty promise

Keri Gilder, Chief Executive Officer, Colt Technology Services

 IWD 2023

We’ve marked International Women’s Day since our Women’s network Women+@Colt was founded five years ago.

It’s an opportunity to celebrate, reflect, educate and connect.

As a business, we’re focused on generating extraordinary connections, and Women+@Colt brings this to life with mentoring, development and educational events.

A big focus for us is creating inclusive policies and support mechanisms, for instance creating a culture where the menopause experience is understood and supported.

Women over 50 are the fastest-growing demographic in the workplace, yet one study found more than one in ten women have left their job due to unmanageable menopause symptoms.

Achieving diversity without inclusion is an empty promise.

We've launched a programme to get Colt employees to build inclusion into their day to day habits, and this year we have a greater focus on allyship – what actions really make a difference.

We believe it’s everyone’s responsibility to #EmbraceEquity."




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