Reflection And Gratitude For The Women Who Paved The Way

Nicole Higgins, President, RACGP

 IWD 2023

International Women's Day is about reflection and gratitude for the women who paved the way and acknowledging the struggles and traumas faced by women worldwide.

I thank the women who said, “you can”.

As a woman in leadership, I mentor and empower other women to find their voice, and to #EmbraceEquity.

It is supporting women to have the opportunity to take the first step, the confidence to open or close a door and the voice to say “this is what I need”.

This year I will be working with the government on the Women's Health Advisory Council to address inequity and inequality in healthcare.

Women should be able to access and experience high-quality healthcare irrespective of their postcode or income.

The council will address healthcare offered to women and girls when it comes to menstruation, reproductive healthcare, menopause, research as well as medical consent. 




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