Meeting The Shifting Needs Of Women In The Workforce

Lorraine Hariton, President & Chief Executive Officer, Catalyst

 IWD 2023

Inclusion is no longer a nice-to-have, optional element in the workplace. It’s imperative.

Clients, customers, and employees both expect and demand it.

Yet Catalyst research shows that only one-third of employees experience inclusive team dynamics at their companies.

Inclusion drives team innovation, citizenship, and problem-solving as well as individual work engagement.

The data is important, but personal stories really paint the picture about what inclusion looks like and feels like for employees. 

That's why throughout Women's History Month and just in time for International Women's Day, Catalyst is sharing individual stories, corporate accomplishments, and ambitious pursuits of equity from organizations across all industries. 

Leaders who are committed to ensuring #InclusionThrives through gender equity, pay equity, gender partnership, and by accelerating equity on all fronts are sharing their stories.

Join us by sharing your own stories by using #InclusionThrives on social media.

Since its founding over 60 years ago, Catalyst has evolved to meet the shifting needs of women in the workforce.

Our mission has remained steadfast—to shine a spotlight on and address the issues facing women in the workplace—and we have done that in a variety of ways.

When Catalyst began, we helped college-educated women build careers outside of the home. 

We then recognized that women would not be served without changes to workplace culture, so we offered evidence-based guidance to help create workplaces that work for women.

Over time, we added a more nuanced approach to include race, class, and ethnicity. And our MARC (Men Advocating Real Change) initiative was born out of the realization that men have a critical role to play in the work of gender equity.

But there’s so much work left to do. And much progress to celebrate.

This International Women’s Day and beyond, let’s take a moment to reflect on the gains we’ve seen in gender equity and also keep pushing ahead so #InclusionThrives.



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