Nomi Network forges a world without slavery where women can know their full potential

For anyone who says 'Why do we need an International Women's Day?' or 'Haven't we won all the battles for women?' - then hear about the heart-wrenching and critical work of Nomi Network, part of the IWD Charity Alliance.

International Women's Day (IWD) provides an elevated moment to learn about and support female-focused charities that work to address inequality and actively advance the lives of women and girls. Support can be through volunteering time, donating money, amplifying the charity's visibility, or helping promote their awareness raising efforts.

One impactful charity that deserves much support is Nomi Network, which upholds an impactful vision of helping to forge a world without slavery where every woman can know her full potential. 

"The IWD Charity Alliance is a huge success for Nomi Network, both in funds raised and exposure to new supporters. Subsequently, we've secured multiple new monthly donors and additional organizations, and we're potentially collaborating with a global company on a large-scale employee giving campaign. We're beyond thankful for IWD's promotion of Nomi Network and look forward to our continued work towards empowering women to reach their full potential," attests Nomi Network.  

Slavery disproportionately affects women and girls

Slavery is a huge violation of human rights and a wide-scale issue that has endured throughout history into the present day. Over 40 million people live in modern day slavery that sees the most vulnerable in society robbed of their freedom, held in captivity, and forced to work against their will. 

Nomi Network categorizes modern slavery in five ways: bonded labor, domestic servitude, commercial sexual exploitation (CSE), and child labor.

Bonded labor forces individuals to work to repay a debt; domestic servitude often takes place in private homes where people are trapped into serving with seemingly no option to leave; CSE affects people objectified by the sex industry and held against their will; child labor is the enslavement specifically of a child; while forced marriage involves non-consensual marriage, predominantly of women and girls.

Although anyone can be affected, slavery disproportionately affects women and girls, making up 71% of total victims. 38% of trafficked women are forced to marry without their consent, while 62% of trafficked women are victims of forced labor. These statistics from Nomi Network reveal that the issue of gender inequity is firmly embedded in modern slavery.

With urgent work needing to be done, Nomi's Network is a vital player in this global effort to end modern slavery in our lifetime. 

Creating pathways to economic stability

Poverty and economic marginalization are primary drivers that make women and girls vulnerable to exploitation. 

Nomi Network works to create pathways to safe employment and economic stability, while empowering women and girls to break cycles of slavery in their families and communities. 

Through this economic lens, Nomi Network breaks this cycle of slavery across multiple fronts, through:

  • Training women and girls vulnerable to trafficking in life skills and technical skills.
  • Building up the capacity of social enterprises and local organizations to support survivors and at-risk women.
  • Connecting women to jobs with private sector employers and promoting fair labor standards. 
  • Creating transparent supply chains by connecting corporate brands with responsible sourcing and consumers with ethically-made products.
  • Raising public awareness of human trafficking and advocating for an end to modern-day slavery.

Domestic focus and international reach

Nomi Network conducts much of its work through effectual programs that have both a domestic focus and an international reach.

In the United States, where the charity is based, Nomi Network provides trauma-informed workforce readiness services to historically marginalized youth caught within the United States juvenile justice system. Workforce training, work exposure to various industries, financial literacy, and ongoing mentorship help them overcome employment barriers. 

Internationally, Nomi Network trains and develops women to remove barriers to employment and increase financial stability through life skills training, sector-specific technical training, job placement or support opening a business.

Through Nomi International Fashion Training school, the charity advances fashion and production skills. Courses offer training for social enterprises and local entrepreneurs to hone their craft and provide work for survivors and individuals at risk of trafficking. 

Within the fashion world, Nomi Network connects corporate brands and consumers to ethical supply chains through the Nomi brand. The charity is combating exploitative practices within the fashion industry that fuel modern slavery to transform supply chains and restore power and dignity to those who are most vulnerable.

Furthermore, the charity's Adolescent Girls Empowerment Program provides young girls with a safe place to socialize and learn skills that heightens their existing schooling, helping them pursue a future free of early marriage or forced labor. Girls learn their rights and become advocates for change within their communities.

Inspiration to keep fighting for the cause

The organization is named after a girl named Nomi, whom the founders met while traveling in Cambodia. By the time Nomi was eight years old, she had been previously trafficked by her stepfather and suffered unthinkable abuse.

Nomi Network was founded to be the network behind Nomi, providing a future for thousands of other women and girls like her.

Today, Nomi is a resilient young woman who radiates warmth despite the trauma she has faced, inspiring the charity to keep fighting for its vision.

Join the fight against modern slavery

  • Donate - Empower women and girls who are survivors or at risk of human trafficking today by donating to Nomi Network
  • Shop - Check out Nomi Network's ethical, handmade products. Every purchase provides jobs for survivors and women at risk of human trafficking. 
  • Host an event - Raise awareness of Nomi Network by hosting a virtual or in-person event where one of the charity's representatives will present their work.
  • Start a peer campaign - Start a fundraiser to turn Nomi Network's vision of a world where every woman knows her full potential, into a reality. 
  • Volunteer - Join Nomi Network's volunteer list to access opportunities like helping the charity prepare for events, making calls on their behalf, arranging gifts, and more. 
  • Be a workforce partner - Enlist your organization to create safe employment pathways for survivors and girls at risk of trafficking in Dallas. 
  • Follow: Keep up to date with Nomi Network's latest news and opportunities va their social media feeds: Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Youtube.



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