Passion projects empower women in incredible ways. What's yours?

Are you working on a women's empowerment passion project that specifically supports the International Women's Day theme?

Women's empowerment comes from all sources, people, areas, and perspectives - and International Women's Day is powered by the collective efforts of all. In fact, it is the collective action worldwide and shared ownership for women's equality that make International Women's Day so impactful.

Just remember, world-renowned feminist, journalist and activist Gloria Steinem once explained "The story of women's struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist nor to any one organization but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights." So let's all do what we can, in our own way, to truly make a positive difference for women everywhere.

Share your IWD themed passion project with the world

Women's empowerment passion projects

Does your project benefit women's advancement?

How does it specifcally support, align with and promote the IWD campaign theme? 

Do you have an engaging and inspiring story to tell, with great visuals?

Inspire and empower women

Women's empowerment passion projects

Here are some previous great examples of women who tenaciously harnessed their passion to not only achieve their own goals, but to empower and inspire further women.  

Women's empowerment passion projects invited

International Women's Day - and every day - is powered by the collective efforts of all in supporting, inspiring and empowering women worldwide.  

And, the International Women's Day website is a collaborative global platform that specifically helps support this important agenda.

Exposure on the International Women's Day website has resulted in many women being featured in the media, securing speaking engagements, receiving commissioned work projects, and so forth. In addition to efforts in helping and supporting women worldwide - this is what showcasing women's talent, elevating visibility, and female empowerment is all about. Women supporting women.    

Share your female-focused passion project with us so we can celebrate it and promote it to the world.


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